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Story by: Mark Millar
Art by: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover by: Rafael Albuquerque
4.5/ 5

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Simple and well written; the artwork compliments the story; its a fresh, feel good and inspiring story.


It's that good, believe me.

To sum it all up..

HUCK is the first of its kind, a superhero feel-good title that would restore your faith in humanity.

Posted October 27, 2015 by


HUCK-Image-Millar-AlbuquerqueSometimes it’s in simple things that we tend to find the best of the best.

With numerous titles coming out every month from different titles, it’s hard for new book to stand out. Most comic book readers tend to follow their weekly/monthly subscriptions and rarely do they take a chance to pick up a new book. What are the odds of finding a gem in a stack of comics? Probably little or less to none since readers would probably pick up a new title because of the hype, the publisher or the creative team behind it.

Honestly, I’m not reading comic books as religiously as I used to. Not that I really had an excuse, sometimes life just happens. When my editor gave the chance to review this book, I didn’t have a clue about who or what Huck is. I didn’t bother to research, I’m just glad of picking it up and having the opportunity of reading something new.

It was probably a good idea that I didn’t have an idea a single thing about Huck as I was simply blown away from the first few pages. Huck #1 was made in such a way that it could be a screenplay for a movie or a new television series.  This came to me as no surprise having seen Mark Millar’s name on the cover.  Having read a number of Mark Millar’s books (Jupiter’s Legacy, MPH, Starlight) in the past, HUCK is no different. In my opinion, there is no competition to Mark Millar when he gives life to new characters.

Huck like any other Millar’s works already gives you an idea what the book is about but still you’re enticed as to how everything would pan out. The first issue didn’t really say anything about how Huck got his abilities and they didn’t need to. It adds mystery to the story which gets you hooked on the get-go. Huck is just a regular guy, even looking like a simpleton to some but he could also be considered a blessing in disguise. Even at first glance you’d get a vibe of what’s not to like about this guy? Imagine Forrest Gump having special abilities or Hancock not being a douche, that’s the kind of man Huck is. Actually, he doesn’t need abilities to stand out. Huck is not after any rewards or recognition, he does things because he loves to. Huck is written in such a way that people could very much relate to. It makes you even think that you could even do some of the things that Huck does in your daily life even with or without abilities.

A good story wouldn’t stand out without good art and that’s where Rafael Albuquerque comes in.  Rafael Albuquerque’s art very much compliments Millar’s story in this book. There were pages wherein there weren’t words which make Albuquerque’s art stand out more. There weren’t many action scenes (like what you would normally see in a superhero title) but his choices of panels were just right to tell a good story. No fancy artwork just simple and direct to the point.

As I end this review, I’m still amazed how HUCK #1 was wonderfully done. I haven’t had this feeling in ages. HUCK is the first of its kind, a superhero feel-good title that would restore your faith in humanity. HUCK hits you at your most vulnerable spot, the heart. It inspires you to do good for your fellow man. In the state of the world we live in today, HUCK couldn’t have a come at a better time than now. After reading the first issue, I’d say that I’m in it for the full run. If there’s a book that you need to include in your PICKLIST, it’s HUCK.

 -Ryan Villanueva

It seems there’s no stopping Mark Millar from churning out new comics consistently. After the recent success of his latest mini-series Chrononauts (which already acquired a movie deal), he is coming up with another creator-owned comic with Rafael Albuquerque called Huck.

Huck #1 introduces the titular small-town character with unexplained superhuman powers trying to do a good deed each day. Big or small, Huck tries to help the people of his town in every way he can – from finding missing family members, or simple buying food for everyone in the drive-thru line. The comic has a feel-good vibe around it, which is a surprising departure from Millar’s typically violent and cynical outings. However, it’s not completely free of cynicism and distrust. There is still that one plot device/character to make things more interesting. But at least it is kept in the minimum.

Huck is a man of few words. We get to see his character and personality develop through the perspectives of other citizens. He is presented as a genuinely good-hearted man, and has this sweet innocence surrounding him. Rather than being perceived as a superhero, Huck is a kind person who just happens to have powers.

Mark Millar seems to make it his goal to pair up with the best artists in the industry. In this case, the art is provided by artist Rafael Albuquerque and colorist Dave McCaig, who are the real standouts in this issue. As much as we see Huck’s earnestness in Millar’s writing, Albuquerque and McCaig bring everything to life. Albuquerque’s pencils provide the genuine expressions in the characters faces, while McCaig’s rich colors completes the whole recipe.

All that said, Huck #1 doesn’t necessarily feel like a “complete” issue. Everything in here is given out in the issue’s solicits. And the stinger to hook readers does not actually come up until the very end, making the whole issue seem more appropriate as a teaser of sorts. Because of this, it would be better to read Huck as a complete collection rather than singles.

-Andrew Bagay

Huck #1 will be released this November 11, 2015.

Flipgeeks Team



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