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REVIEW: Hope is Restored in ‘Low #11′

Low 11 cov 01
Low 11 cov 01
Low 11 cov 01


Story by: Rick Remender
Art by: Greg Tocchinni
4/ 5

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To sum it all up..

Low #11 is primarily a family tale, more specifically a sisterly story. Rick Remender crafts a narrative of memory, nostalgia and faith in the perspectives of two strong-willed sisters who make a homecoming since the first issue. Also, Remender makes sure to bring in an interesting new character which is unexpected at best. So unexpected […]

Posted February 22, 2016 by


Low 11 cov 01Low #11 is primarily a family tale, more specifically a sisterly story. Rick Remender crafts a narrative of memory, nostalgia and faith in the perspectives of two strong-willed sisters who make a homecoming since the first issue.

Also, Remender makes sure to bring in an interesting new character which is unexpected at best. So unexpected that this series would end up an all-women ensemble cast, which is great. I just like how the sisters end up and how they rekindle their common purpose that was last seen in the first chapter.

Greg Tocchini‘s art is getting cleaner, finer and more detailed as the series progresses. Most prominently is his illustration of the armor wear are obviously inspired from manga/anime. His paneling is conventional but effectively accessible to follow. The colors are mostly bright, signifying the positive mood this first chapter of this story arc brings.

Though there are awkward faces in the far angle perspectives and some heavy inking in some panels, Low #11 starts in the right note with a great positive vibe to smoothly transit to the next intriguing chapter.

Low 11 01

Paul Ramos



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