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REVIEW: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink did solid justice for Kimberly



Story by: Brendan Fletcher and Kelly Thompson
Art by: Daniele di Nicuolo
Colors by: Sarah Stern
Letters by: Ed Dukeshire
Cover by: Elsa Charretier
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
4/ 5

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To sum it all up..

How far will you go for your family? Kimberly Ann Hart, the very first Pink Ranger goes back into being a hero temporarily to save her family in MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: PINK six-issue mini-series. Despite being retired, she contacted Zordon and temporarily gained her Power Rangers power in order to save the city her mom […]

Posted April 21, 2017 by



How far will you go for your family? Kimberly Ann Hart, the very first Pink Ranger goes back into being a hero temporarily to save her family in MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: PINK six-issue mini-series. Despite being retired, she contacted Zordon and temporarily gained her Power Rangers power in order to save the city her mom and her step-father reside in St. Moineau, France when Goldar and Verto to overtake it.

Throughout the whole miniseries, we see Kim struggle on what a hero is and about giving up her ranger powers beforehand. Letting go of being a Ranger was harder than she thought it was with her lingering feelings on staying beside Tommy or not. Though luckily despite giving up her Ranger coin to Kat Hillard, Zordon  and Alpha 5 managed to wake up her latent pink energy using the Sword of Light and turn her back temporarily as the Pink Ranger. And we all know, a Ranger is nothing without her own team and because the main Rangers were out of this world, Kim managed to recruit Zack and Trini back (temporarily of course) to help her while also earning new Blue and Red rangers, Serge and Britt respectively, siblings who were both caught up in Goldar’s plans. Their new suits, being as they were all sharing latent pink energy, had pink motives but still has the original patterns in them. This gives us a distinction between Kim’s team and Tommy’s main rangers, while also having a touch of ‘newness’by having a new design.

It is then revealed that Goldar had wanted Kim to bring them (more like steal) the Sword of Light all along to use Zordon’s power to power up Typhonis, a war megazord made up from scraps of Thunder Megazord, WhiteTigerzord and Cyclopsis. Draining everyone of their powers, Goldar powers up Typhonis and imprison the team. We have a few cliche scenes like how it was predictable Serge would somehow betray Kim for his family, or how Kim’s mom despite being turned into a sea creature of sort manage to snap out of it because of love.

Eventually, all ends well when Goldar and the All new Power Rangers team up against Verto near the end, as both Verto and Goldar turned against each other, their goals different from one another. Kim and her team manage to rescue everyone and Goldar erases Verto so no one would know his unfaithfulness against Rita and Zedd. But before giving up their powers again, Tommy, manages to send a message asking for help. Seeing as she could not abandon her friend/love and his new team, Alpha sends up a few retired zords (Titanus and Tor the Shuttlezord) to help them reach where the other team was. Though they managed to beat Rita’s Serpentra using the Typhonis in the end, Kim decided not to reveal themselves to Tommy’s team.

The miniseries ends on Kim writing to Tommy, the break up letter which he received in Power Rangers Zeo, solidifying the timeline on when this part of the series happened (MMPR Season 3). This would be the first time that the break up was brought up again after that episode in PRZ, with a hint/confirmation that it maybe indeed Jason who Kim was seeing at that time in end.

Overall, MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: PINK is solid, and did Kimberly justice. Kim’s character development along with how things played out was a huge nostalgia to the older fans of the series at the same time a new adventure that everyone would enjoy.

Mari Linsangan

A Production Coordinator at a small independent movie production company. But despite the busy schedule of filming, she finds time for her hobbies as she's also a bookworm, a gamer, a occasional cosplayer and a certified geek girl.


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