Posted October 26, 2012 by Earl Maghirang in Movies/TV

MOVIE REVIEW: The Three Stooges

Movie review for The Three Stooges from 20th Century Fox starring Chris Diamantopoulos, Sean Hayes and Will Sasso.

The film is directed by the Farrelly Brothers and also stars Jane Lynch, Jennifer Hudson, Kate Upton, Larry David and Sofia Vergara.

The Three Stooges is a remake. Let me make that clear. It’s not an origin story. It does however have a modern twist to the dimwitted Stooges crazy antics and it’s got a chockful of funny lines, gags and bits. The best part about Stooges is that it manages to retain the sensibilities of the original short films and inject new life thanks to modern quips.

I must admit that I had very little hope that this film would match the laughter and giggles that the original offered But seeing this flick really changed my mind about it. It’s funny as heck and it’s also entertaining. Here are my other thoughts about the film.

- Chris Diamantopoulos as the Moe was hilarious. He actually got the basic look for Moe pretty good. In terms of mannerisms, he’s got it down pat pretty good. All the slaps and all the hits and everything else in between is pretty solid. I’m quite impressed with Diamantopoulos’ take on the character.

Sadly Moe’s turn gets shattered thanks to the inclusion of the Jersey Shore folks. Really felt that it could have been better if the story goes on a different direction; one that didn’t include Moe interacting with these guys. But if you feel down and you want to see people getting hurt then those scenes with Moe slapping the Situation are comedy gold.

-Sean Hayes as Larry is spot-on. At first glance you wouldn’t even know that it was actually Hayes. The former Will and Grace star goes on and complements the acting or non-acting of Sasso and Diamantopoulo. I guess I’m just weirded out that he looks the way he did but that’s just me.

Check out the rest of the review HERE

Earl Maghirang