Posts Tagged ‘work in progress’

TOP 5 KOMIKS CREATORS Leading Double Lives

Ask any journalism graduate if this is true and they will say yes—they have written essays in the past using Clark Kent and Peter Parker as their inspirations in pursuing a job in the media industry. Journalism professors...

SPUTNIK EVENT UPDATE: Pacheco & Pavon Giving Away Their QBCCC Preview

Hub Pacheco and Teddy Pavon, creators of local webcomics – WIP: Work in Progress COMICS, will be giving away a preview of their story that will be featured in soon-to-come volume of two of The Quarterly Bathroom Companion...

KOMIKS PREVIEW: Work In Progress (WIP) #1

Work In Progress (WIP) #1 Story by Hubert Pacheco Art by Teddy Pavon Cover Price P60 WIP: WORK IN PROGRESS Born out of boredom, WIP was created by a then overly busy PA named Hub and a still overly busy law student named Teddy....