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Agents of Ambush cover
Agents of Ambush cover
Agents of Ambush cover


Story by: Andrew Villar & Sam Velasco
Art by: Andrew Villar
4/ 5

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Great action and background design


Too many unexplained happenings

To sum it all up..

I GOT AMBUSHED As someone unfamiliar with the series, I assumed I’d be lost in references from previous or earlier works of Andrew Villar‘s Ambush. However, with Agents of Ambush, that wasn’t the case. The book manages to tend to new readers and inform them the what’s what and the who’s who without making them […]

Posted December 2, 2015 by


Agents of Ambush coverI GOT AMBUSHED

As someone unfamiliar with the series, I assumed I’d be lost in references from previous or earlier works of Andrew Villar‘s Ambush. However, with Agents of Ambush, that wasn’t the case. The book manages to tend to new readers and inform them the what’s what and the who’s who without making them feel dumb for not reading the earlier issues of the series.

Knowing it’s a sequential comic strip series, I was surprised, ambushed even, when I started to see the intensity on how action packed it is. Who knew you could fit a great tank battle in a strip and not seem too small or crowded.

For its artwork, the characters are drawn with simplicity but showcase dynamic movements while background design and special effect manages to blend with the characters and not stand out as much.

If the art wouldn’t hook you to the series, I still suggest giving it a try since the plot is more interesting than it seems. The storylines by Andrew Villar and Sam Velasco featured keeps on progressing as the things keep getting more interesting. For those concerned that Agents of Ambush would just be full of action and sci-fi, don’t worry. The series has enough drama that would give you feels and humor that would make you laugh while you deal with your feels.

Overall, Agents of Ambush is a good read. It features great action, cool adventures, funny characters, plenty of geek pop culture references, and even some guest appearance of notable local artists. The story and characters are worth getting to know, as you’ll become a fan after reading the book. And if you can’t wait for its next book release, you can always stay updated as it is published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer.


Gioseppe Custodio

I make comics, sometimes I sleep


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