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REVIEW: ‘Gekorr: Suntok sa Kalawakan’ makes Sci-Fi komiks exciting

Gekorr: Suntok sa Kalawakan cov
Gekorr: Suntok sa Kalawakan cov
Gekorr: Suntok sa Kalawakan cov


Story by: Pancho Karambola
Art by: Pancho Karambola
Publisher: Pancho Karambola
4/ 5

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Artwork definitely captures the vintage look of old comic books; layout of every page utilizes the art very well; bizarre yet cool looking characters enhance the sci-fi element of the story


Some pages lack background detail

To sum it all up..

Gekorr: Suntok sa Kalawakan by Pancho Karambola is a good example of how a comic book creator can emulate the aesthetic of a vintage comic book. The story  is about Gekorr, a high ranking military leader fighting his former ally by the name of Cero in an attempt to stop their home planet’s destruction. The story alone […]

Posted March 8, 2016 by


Gekorr Print.compressed_001

Gekorr: Suntok sa Kalawakan by Pancho Karambola is a good example of how a comic book creator can emulate the aesthetic of a vintage comic book.

The story  is about Gekorr, a high ranking military leader fighting his former ally by the name of Cero in an attempt to stop their home planet’s destruction. The story alone is simple, and to some degree, is also familiar with the summary alone. However, because of the layout of this komiks, you might seldom know the familiar story beats.

Pancho Karambola’s art packs a lot here as he captures the feel of vintage comics with his art style. What makes the art great is that komiks consists of a panel per page layout.  So you have a lot to go around with when you’re admiring the characters though I only wish that some of the other pages had more details on the background.

Overall, Gekorr: Suntok sa Kalawakan is more than just a comic. It can also be seen as a history lesson of how vintage comic books looked without actually having this comic be from a time way way back. Pancho Karambola’s art is aesthetically pleasing that it overshadows the few familiar beats of the entire story. Regarding the story itself, it’s a bizarre yet fun comic for those looking for some local sci-fi stuff and surprisingly enough even the ending itself is unusual enough to make this comic stand out.


Carlos Alcazaren



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