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REVIEW: How could you, ‘Deadly Class #21’?!

Deadly Class 21 cov
Deadly Class 21 cov
Deadly Class 21 cov


Story by: Rick Remender
Art by: Wes Craig
Colors by: Jordan Boyd
5/ 5

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To sum it all up..

Deadly Class #21 is the end of the fourth story arc, DIE FOR ME. And, this finale is the most shocking finales so far! Rick Remender and Wes Craig do full-blown George RR Martin mode here. They do the most unpredictable and heart-stomping chapter that defies expectations. I am in total disbelief on how the […]

Posted June 6, 2016 by


Deadly Class 21 covDeadly Class #21 is the end of the fourth story arc, DIE FOR ME. And, this finale is the most shocking finales so far! Rick Remender and Wes Craig do full-blown George RR Martin mode here. They do the most unpredictable and heart-stomping chapter that defies expectations.

I am in total disbelief on how the creative team goes to the far-extreme, particularly to our beloved characters. Personally, I once thought some things would go smoothly despite the wanton carnage and mayhem happened in the past issues. I honestly expected worse, but Rick and Wes do more than what I thought was. As of this writing, I am completely in-shock.

This ending is more reverberating and emotionally devastating than that Captain America “Hail Hydra” brouhaha. This is more twisting than DC Universe: Rebirth #1. And, it has more emotional wallop than any recent comic ending/finale I could ever remember. But Deadly Class is an independent comic series, not mainstream that is given more media exposure and hype. Sigh!

I know it is absurd to say but Deadly Class #21 is now arguably the most gut-wrenching ending Rick ever pulls-off in his entire career as a comic scribe/creator. The end pages are even more tear-jerking for these remind me that the most beautiful, significant, and meaningful moments in life are flashed spontaneously at the end of the tunnel.

Deadly Class 21 01

This one has neither a letter column nor an announcement for future installments/story arcs. Will there be a second year session in the most terrifying High School in existence? I hope I can recover from this one…

Paul Ramos



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