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REVIEW: ‘Star Wars: Rogue One Graphic Novel Adaptation’



Story by: Alessandro Ferrari
Art by: Igor Chimisso, Matteo Piana, Stefano Simeone, and Various
Colors by: Davide Turotti and Kawaii Creative Studio
Cover by: Eric Jones
2/ 5

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To sum it all up..

I’ll be the first one to gobble up new Star Wars content. Expanding the universe, telling new stories, that’s awesome.

Posted December 11, 2017 by



I’ll be the first one to gobble up new Star Wars content. Expanding the universe, telling new stories, that’s awesome. But sometimes you get novelizations, and in this case a graphic novel adaptation. I definitely loved the Rogue One film and so I expected to love this book.

But I did not.

I’m okay with books not really adding much. It would’ve been great to have gotten a little more depth of the story that couldn’t make it to the film. But what we get is a very workmanlike adaptation of the events in the film. It’s like they got the bullet points of the plot and then assigned them to pages. Again that might have been fine, but they missed so much.

While I like the art style (cartoony, close enough to their big screen counterparts but stylized), the execution of this book really suffers. One of the best things about Rogue One was its gritty portrayal of war, Star Wars as actualy war with squad tactics and ground fighting. Star Wars: Rogue One Graphic Novel Adaptation has all the plot beats of the flick, but skips out on the action. None of the cool fighting, none of the skirmishes on Scarif. It’s like it just decided to side-step the scale and power of those sequences. Such a shame. I would love to see how an artist interprets the great action set pieces in comic book form. Unfortunately, this book does not.

Reviewed by Carljoe Javier. He loves comics. He is Managing Editor of Anino Comics, writes comics and prose, and teaches at the Ateneo Department of Fine Arts. He is also the Creative Director for Smarter Good

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