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REVIEW: Blasphemous — Prepare to Get Excommunicated

Before the likes of Dark Souls, gamers found the thrill in ‘Metroidvanias’, a genre coined after two of the most iconic and most influential games of their time. Some would even consider the Souls series as the spir...

REVIEW: Rage 2Wreak Havoc And Not Much Else

Rage 2 doesn’t quite induce uncontrollable anger as its title might suggest. It’s more likely to arouse a sense of adrenaline and a bit of euphoria for every time you set out to slaughter droves of Mad Max-y thugs a...

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sinner with Logo FG
sinner with Logo FG

REVIEW: SINNER: Sacrifice for Redemption (Nintendo Switch) — A Bonafide Proof of Concept

No doubt the Souls franchise has made a tremendous impact on modern gaming, inspiring countless studios to spawn their own brand of Souls-esque Action RPGs. There’s a sea of these games available now, most being largely d...
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Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice_20190408191529
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice_20190408191529

REVIEW: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice — Not Just a Re-skinned Souls Game

From Software became a prominent name in the game industry after the release of Dark Souls — a game famous for it’s crushing difficulty that became a genre-defining franchise. I guess you could say that I’m among th...

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Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker Review — Either Love it or Konoha-te it.

Naruto is a Japanese Manga written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, which was later adapted to an Anime series. The manga and anime alike are well received in Japan and in many countries as well. The success of the franchi...

Dark Souls Remastered Review — Rekindling the Original Flame

For me, Demon’s Souls will still be ground zero. But I understand that for many, the original Dark Souls is what started it all. Now, the series has been able to cast its huge influence onto the world of modern gaming. Th...