Posted April 16, 2017 by Dian Raval in Gaming

Video Game Easter Eggs You May Have Missed

1. Half-Life — Secret Gabe Newell Worship Room

Long before the anointed Gabe Newell’s blessed face became a meme, it had already been immortalized in the original Half-Life, multiple times. Making use of the console command that allows you clip through walls is the first step to discovering this holy place. Once inside the pitch black room, turn on your flashlight to bask in the holiness that is Gabe Newell’s face. Nobody knows what purpose this room serves, some speculate it’s a sex dungeon for Gabe’s most devoted followers.

So there you have it, 16 easter eggs that you may have missed. Gaming is a timeless past time and the tradition of hunting easter eggs in them is here to stay. There are sure to be dozens of easter eggs out there that have yet to be discovered like many on this list, so keep exploring every nook and cranny of your favorite video games. More importantly, have fun! Happy easter egg huntin’!

Dian Raval

Dian is a writer for Flipgeeks who, in his spare time, stares at a wall in his basement. If you'd like to discuss music, video games, or the infinite wisdom of concrete, follow him on twitter @iburnandfume or subscribe to his YouTube channel @iburnandfume. He's pretty much iburnandfume in everything. Apparently he... burns and fumes.