
REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #625

In The Gauntlet theme issue, we have one of the finest writers in the Spider-Man Braintrust, Joe Kelly. Controlling this issue is with his Four-Eyes artist, Max Fiumara.

Review: Namor # 1

Reviewing the first issue of Namor: The First Mutant by Stuart Moore and Ariel Olivetti and ties in neatly with the ongoing Curse of the Mutants banner with a stunning cover by Jae Lee.

KOMIKS REVIEW — TRESE: Murder on Balete Drive (Vol.1)

TRESE: Murder on Balete Drive (vol.1) Written by Budjette Tan Art by KajO Baldisimo Published by Visual Print Enterprises “When crime takes a turn for the weird, the police call Alexandra Trese” – and thats ex...