Posted May 28, 2012 by Earl Maghirang in Comics

Marvel Comics Creates Superhero to Make 4 Year Old Boy Wear his Hearing Aid

Marvel Comics shows its soft side by creating a new superhero for a 4 year old boy who does not want to wear his hearing aid.

According to Nelson Ribiero, Marvel assistant editor, the new superhero “Blue Ear” can hear “an ant hiccup on the other side of the country,”

The character was created in response to a letter that was written by the mother of Anthony Smith wrote to the guys at Marvel to draw a character either with a hearing problem or who relies on the usage of hearing aids. Marvel editor Bill Roseman first sent a photo of Avenger Hawkeye wearing a hearing aid which was part of a storyline where he gets injured after one of his arrows misfires.

Roseman then went on to commission one of their cartoonists to create an actual hero who they later named BLUE EARS in reference to Smith’s petname for his hearing aid.

According to reports, Anthony Smith was dumbfounded and stared at the image after receiving this from the Marvel office.

This definitely goes to show that Marvel Comics also has heart and is willing to go to great lengths to show that to their fans.

Earl Maghirang