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Minsan Gusto Ko Magwala
Minsan Gusto Ko Magwala
Minsan Gusto Ko Magwala

COMIC BOOK REVIEW: Minsan Gusto Ko Magwala

SWEETNESS of the OPPRESSED Ardie Aquino shows why a simple moment is the most memorable of all in his “mini-comic” entitled Minsan Gusto Ko Magwala. The issue of bullying is explored here, particularly the childhood experience ...
Ang Roommate Kong Aswang cover
Ang Roommate Kong Aswang cover
Ang Roommate Kong Aswang cover

COMIC BOOK REVIEW: Ang Roomate Kong Aswang!

OBVIOUS BA! Philippine mythological creatures or folk monsters are one of the favorite staples in crafting Filipino super-natural tales of horror, suspense and even humor. Indie creator Ardie Aquino examines this briefly, espec...
Andre The Giant Cover
Andre The Giant Cover
Andre The Giant Cover

GRAPHIC NOVEL REVIEW: Andre the Giant: Closer to Heaven

There have been countless giants of the squared circle that captured sports entertainment’s imagination and attention better than most agile heavyweights that have come before them. In November 1990, Mark Calloway debuted The U...

COMIC BOOK REVIEW: Dragon Breed, Vols. 1-3

KUZU-RYU-SEN Maria Cornelia Damaso and Elmer Damaso is a tandem may soon-to-be a powerhouse comic duo because they conceptualize and visualize a fantasy, world-building and medieval inspired adventure tale in Dragon Breed. Curr...

COMIC BOOK REVIEW: How I Got Into Komiks

Want to know more on how to get started into local comic industry? Well, here’s the comic book for that, Giosdesk presents How I Got Into Komiks. Based on personal experience, creator of Lakan At Makisig Webcomics discusses his...
Tokyo Ghost1
Tokyo Ghost1
Tokyo Ghost1


THE FUTURE’S OPIUM Rick Remender, Sean Gordon Murphy and Matt Hollingsworth explore the world of 2089, a place of decay, destitution, destruction and definitely dystopia. Additionally, Remender presents a stern critique on the ...