Posted January 29, 2014 by Tricky Ikki in Movies/TV

PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: The Marked Ones is more like PrettyNormal Activity: Yeah, A Normal One

As a person who likes horror movies, I can say that this movie is pretty much not what I had expected.

There were little scary parts and the supposed to be scary parts were predictable and not that scary at all. The movie plot is basically just like Chronicle and VHS combined. There were moments that I thought I would be scared shitless so I didn’t close my eyes in order to feel the intensity, but the delivery of the “scare” was not that good so fortunately for the people at the movies I didn’t shit my pants. The whole time I was waiting for the scare and for something to surprise me, yet all I got was a surprise appearance from a former cast member and a complete cutie/hottie named ALI (Molly Ephraim). Seriously, she distracted me after she appeared and I wasn’t able to take my mind off her until after the movie. I was more entertained at the funny parts rather than the scare parts


Also, I don’t think it was wise to connect the final reveal to the previous Paranormal Activity movies because for people who hasn’t seen the previous films like me, it would be a total “WTF” on their faces. Considering also that I’ve researched and found out that the final scenes were in fact connected to the previous films, I felt that there was no point in bringing up a connection in there.

All in all the movie was pretty NORMAL, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who wants to be really scared. Had a good laugh out of it though.

The dude look like Martin Garrix

Thank you Solar Entertainment for the free passes!!

Tricky Ikki