Posted December 23, 2015 by Norby Ela in Comics

LET’S TALK KOMIKS: Rob Cham’s Light will never get LOST

Rob Cham is no stranger to us here in Flipgeeks. With his announcement of the current project – LOST, a sequel to LIGHT. On this Let’s Talk Komiks, we got to have a really short talk about it.

This is Let’s Talk Komiks.

FLIPGEEKS: With the success of LIGHT, are you feeling any pressure in making LOST?
ROB CHAM: I didn’t expect LIGHT to do as well as it did, and LOST was something brewing in the back of my mind. Anino was asking if I had any ideas for maybe a sequel or a follow up to LIGHT and if I’d be interested in publishing with them again. I originally wanted to make a new story altogether about two worlds colliding, the left side of the book would be one story, and the right side would be another, eventually the two worlds crash into one another forming a new story altogether. I took some concepts from that and tried to figure out how to make it work. I eventually landed on a concept less challenging than that idea and figured this could work within the world of LIGHT, so I repurposed some ideas and put it into LOST.

Could you give us a small description what LOST is going to be?
LOST is more of a follow-up to Light, than a sequel. I don’t want to call it a sequel because that kind of sets up the idea that you have to read LIGHT before LOST. I’ve designed it so that you can read LIGHT and LOST independent of each other. You can start with one or the other and not have to depend on finding one or the other. LOST is a stand-alone book following the 2 main characters of LIGHT on another adventure. It’s going to be a silent comic, much like LIGHT, and will also be 100 pages. The idea is the two main characters get lost in another world altogether and have to find their way back. It might not sound much, but I hope people give it a shot and see what I am going for.


You’ve announced that Anino Comics allowed you to publish LOST as a webcomic, How are you going to approach this as a webcomic? Do you plan to post all of the pages online?
I’ve started building the website. The idea is that I would release 2 or more pages a week, starting in January. The target release date for LOST is in April, so that would make about 32 pages would have been released online. Eventually, the book will be all online, but if you’d like to read all of it in one go, you have the book available in stores. The pages will eventually be all online for anyone to read.

Are there any advantages or disadvantages from the online release prior to its publication? What are they?
The advantages I feel outweigh any disadvantages. The advantages I see are that it would get people to read the comic, it would be something anyone around the world could have access to, and I want that. The disadvantages to me would be some readers may not pick up the book when it’s released in print form when the whole comic is online for free, but I figure, whoever gets to read the comic online, would be people who would have never bothered to try reading it in the first place, so maybe they’d be interested and buy a print copy. But the end goal for me, isn’t that people buy the book, but that I make something worth reading.

On the idea of how there are digital comics that then have a print publication, I know I still buy print versions of webcomics I love. Some people may feel the same.

Where and when can we explore to the LOST site?

Lost website

The site will be up on January 1 and will have 2 pages online, 2 pages will be published every week.

LOST will be published in 2016

Norby Ela

Now residing in San Diego, CA, I strive to work in art and further grow FlipGeeks around the world.