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REVIEW: Skottie Young Brings all in ‘Bully Wars #1′

Bully Wars 2018
Bully Wars 2018
Bully Wars 2018


Story by: Skottie Young
Art by: Aaron Connely
2.5/ 5

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To sum it all up..

Skottie Young brings all that to BULLY WARS

Posted September 5, 2018 by


Bully Wars 2018

It feels like anything that comes out of Skottie Young’s imagination is fueled by a kind of vibrance and energy you can’t find anywhere else. He brings all that to BULLY WARS, which would feel like a pretty vanilla outing, if not for that energy and that weirdness. His visual style, which I feel is what he is known for, really marks the work and immediately sets it apart.

The story threatens to be plain in its first few pages. We get the uncool kids hanging out at the bus stop, dreaming of how different their lives will be when they start high school. And then a bully shows up. Just before this drives straight into cliché-land, we get a different turn on this story, and just enough of an interesting reveal to keep us interested in the next issue. It’s pretty clear that Aaron Conley‘s art is enough to drive interest to this comic.

The story is promising in both its familiarity and departures from what you expect. All in all, Bully Wars #1 doesn’t feel like a terribly important book, but it looks like it will deliver a lot of fun and be a good enjoyable read.

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